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The Purposeful GROWTH

Revolution is ON!

Are You In? 

Find and fulfill your purposeful growth potential
as both a leader and legacy builder.

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The Purposeful GROWTH Revolution is ON!

Helping individuals, teams and organizations find purpose in fulfilling their true growth potential.

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Have you ever wanted to quantify your team's Purposeful Growth?

Well now you can.

The results will help you see clearly how you can enhance your personal and professional growth as an individual and as a part of a team/organization.

This is how we can make a positive and
lasting impact on the world!

Start the Free Self-Assessment

The Power of
Purposeful Growth


We all understand the need for growth to advance our careers and the organizations we serve, but research studies show
that Purposeful Growth is the most
powerful way to grow.

 Researchers Aaron Hurt, Brandon Peele, and their team at The Science of Purpose
have found there is a direct link between purpose and the growth of both
individuals and companies.


Individuals with a connection
to their purpose experience

63% increase in wealth, and leadership effectiveness.

64 % increase in fulfillment.

Learn twice as much.

Are four times more engaged.

And are 175% more productive.

Companies with a connection
to their purpose experience

Higher margins as purposeful firms are 30% more innovative.

73% of customers will switch to higher purpose brands.

55% of customers will pay more for higher purpose brands.

47% higher Net Promoter scores and related length of tenure.

54% more fulfilling work relationships.

Let's Start a Revolution!

The dictionary defines Revolution in three ways that support the importance of Purposeful Growth in helping individuals, teams and organizations fulfill their true growth potential:

1. An Uprising of the People

We are facing “The Great Resignation” as many people are using this opportunity to pause and reflect upon what (and who) matters most in their lives—leaving unsatisfying jobs and/or toxic work environments that no longer suit them.

This has created a labor shortage in many industries causing management to revolutionize their approach to human resources. 

2. A Dramatic Change in the Status Quo

In today’s dynamic and increasingly competitive business environment, we cannot grow by maintaining the status quo or settling for evolutionary gains.

We must employ a revolutionary “step-function-change” mentality to overcome strong headwinds and maximize our current (and future) opportunities to grow and thrive… on purpose.

3. A Circular Orbit Around an Object

Purpose is the epicenter of our universe—everything we do must revolve around it for us to fulfill our growth potential. 

And, we have an opportunity to transition from
me-go to we-growthcreating a living legacy to help others make the world… go ’round. 


 the Revolutionary
LEAF Growth Model

L eadership (Seeds & Roots) = Growth Alignment

ngagement (Trunk & Branches) = Growth Engagement

 A ccountability (Leaves & Fruit) = Growth Achievement

F ulfillment (Care & Feeding) = Growth Environment

4 Ways to Grow with Me

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